Spring is Almost Here!!

Spring is sooo close! Only 13 more days to go, and the perennials I planted last year are beginning to do their thing, the seeds in my little greenhouses are sprouting, and it’s almost time to plant the bulbs I have brought home to add to the mix. I’m getting really excited about the seasons to come and the beauty and warmth they bring with them.

Dahlias, Blue Sea Holly, and Tree Lilies

Dahlias, Blue Sea Holly, and Tree Lilies

The bulbs and roots I have picked up this year are all things I have never tried to grow before. I’m really looking forward to seeing how these will grow. I have 5 “Purple Prince” Lily Tree  bulbs, 4 “Blue Sea Holly” Eryngium roots, and 10 “Rebecca’s World” Dahlia bulbs. I’m thinking I want to plant these with the Blazing Stars, Echinacea, Calla Lilies, and Holly Hocks. I want to move the Blazing Stars around a bit, which I had better do really soon or they will be too far into their new growth to risk doing anything with them, I think. I want to be able to mix all the bulbs and roots together, sort of randomly. I think the end result will be amazing. At least, the picture I have in my head is beautiful. I’m going to move the Gladiolus, as well, so I can add them to this mix. Looks like I’m going to be a bit busy this afternoon, after I go driving for Uber.

The weather surprised us, yesterday. NOAA.gov has been forecasting rain for the forseeable future, but the sun came out yesterday, warmed everything up, brought people out of hibernation, and seemed to add some magic to the air. We had temps in the mid to upper 60’s!! Of course, I went and made it rain by washing the car. Hey! It really needed it. The forecast descriptions for here almost always make me laugh. It’s the wording that gets me, I guess. Here is the first sentence in NOAA.gov’s forecast for us today:

A chance of showers, then showers likely and possibly a thunderstorm after 10am.

So, in other words, it might rain, then probably will, followed by the potential to get really interesting. Yeah, I know. I’m weird. Whatever.

Anyway, the sun yesterday, combined with the fact that it was a Saturday, kept me busy Ubering. I had my best day, so far, that didn’t include an event, such as a concert or something like that. This just adds to the excitement of future days of sun. My feet are beginning to wonder why they are still being shoved into closed shoes instead of the ease and comfort of flip-flops. Soon, dear feet, soon.

My daughter is coming down tomorrow to visit for a few days. I can’t wait!! I miss her so much and getting to have her here for a little bit is going to be great. She is sounding like she is in need of the time away from her own life for a minute, not that anything is going wrong. It’s always good to get away from your everyday life every now and again. I think it helps keep perspective and appreciate your life more.

Anyway, I’d better go get myself ready and head out to drive for a bit. Sundays can be a bit slow, but we shall see how it goes. Maybe some of the magic from yesterday will still be in the air. I want to be able to get home to deal with the bulbs I want to shuffle around a bit before it gets too dark out. Have a great day, Everyone!!

About dragonflygypsyusa

Over-thinker with way too much availability to the internet to research whatever might come to mind, amateur photographer, dog enthusiast, learning every day, working on finding my undamaged self.
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