Time for a Second Job, Application Stress, Talking with Schools…

So, I’m going to be looking for a second job. I have informed my current employer of what it is I need to be making each pay check, and, though he had been making sure my checks were always in the ballpark range of that amount, the last few checks have been less and less. We will never make it through winter this way and I am really, really sick of winter meaning struggling and worrying over how this or that is going to be paid, keeping food in the fridge, juggling everything to make sure I have gas in the Jeep and money for cleaning supplies. Too much stress, unnecessary stress, and I just can’t do it anymore. Thankfully, it’s the holiday season, making it much easier to find SOMETHING to help bridge the financial gap.

Job applications have always been something I have struggled with. My work history is something that is mostly unverifiable so I’m never really sure what to put down for the Employment History part. Just putting down the verifiable jobs leaves my work history looking a bit spotty, at best.

Then there is the references part. This ties into the work history part quite a bit. I’ve done work for a lot of friends, and, honestly, those would be the people who know me the best and would want to put down as references. How do I label them, especially when the references usually requested are ones that aren’t friends or family?

I know this sounds like I am trying to talk myself out of it or stress myself out about the application process before I even get going. That’s not what I’m trying to do. I’m just talking it out, trying to make it less stressful, maybe looking for some thoughts or ideas on how to make this less of a somewhat overwhelming process. I need to make this happen.

I’m thinking I might go to a temp agency or staffing agency to see if this might expedite the process. I’m not sure how that would make it easier. Maybe because it would be filling out only one application and then be able to talk with someone right away. Talking with someone is something I can do. I know I can talk myself into a job.

Anyway, life continues to go on as usual. Nothing exciting or devastating has occurred or seems to be looming. Exciting is usually good but we all know I’m grateful that nothing from the devastation category is present. A nice, even pace.

Oh! I talked with a representative from University of Phoenix the other day about the addictions specialist program they offer. Nice guy. Loaded me up with a bunch of verbal info, which he then backed with an email that allowed me to go over that information on a visual level. University of Phoenix is expensive. I think I am going to need to talk with some other schools before making any decisions about anything, which is what I had planned on doing anyway.

I have to admit, though, that actually talking with a school has stirred up conflicting emotions: excited at the prospect of school; anxiety about paying for school; seeing hope in what furthering my education can do for me, financially; worried about being able to do anything with more schooling other than creating more debt. Part of me wants to just hurry up and get in school but that feels more like just grabbing onto something, anything, than making an informed decision. I’m just trying to breathe and give myself adequate time to make any decisions from an emotionally comfortable place.

Change is coming. Hold on to you hats, everyone.

About dragonflygypsyusa

Over-thinker with way too much availability to the internet to research whatever might come to mind, amateur photographer, dog enthusiast, learning every day, working on finding my undamaged self.
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5 Responses to Time for a Second Job, Application Stress, Talking with Schools…

  1. Ted Ellinger says:

    Just inform the friends you are using for references to be sure to be work references and not friends if they are contacted. It is best if you ask people if it is alright to use them as a reference before you do. Also good to ask them if they would give you a good reference. No surprises that way. Good luck with the job search. Love Dad

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Evelyn says:

    Holding on to my hat! That’s all I seem to be able to do, so I’m glad you asked me to. Putting yourself out there sucks and change is uncomfortable even if the results are great. BTW, I love that your dad commented on your blog. My dad does, too. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh how I dislike change! But sometimes its just what has to happen.
      I love that my dad comments on my blog, too!! My parents all ready the blog, which is great, but I absolutely love when they comment. Makes it extra special.


  3. Dad says:

    Another thing to consider; pet sitting. We recently hired a woman to take care of Oliver while we traveled. She was recommended by a friend. This woman cleans homes for a living. She came in the morning to let Oliver out, then went to her cleaning job. She came back at lunch time to feed and potty the dog and then returned to her cleaning job. She returned after work, walked Oliver and she often spent the night. Her fee was $30 a day which was less than the kennel and Oliver did not have the stress of the kennel. Worked well for all concerned. Love Dad

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Dad! I have thought about that. It can be quite competetive around here to get into but something I have definitely considered doing, or having Lance do. Thanks for letting me know what it cost, per day, for you. It really helps, since I have (had) no idea what pet sitters charge. I love you, Dad!!


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